Top 5 Easter Activities for Kids
1. Make an Easter Wreath
2021 is all about the Easter door wreath. Christmas was a bit of a let down so it's time to reinvigorate all the old Christmas favourite activities with an added spring and pastel twist.
2. Make an Easter Tree
Easter trees are so much fun to create and gradually munch upon in the lead up to the Easter bunny. You can use branches or a real tree or even a tree in your front garden. We like to use twigs, paint them white and drape the tree with colourful ribbons and foil covered chocolate eggs. We then place this on the table so the Easter Bunny knows where to place all the goodies.
You can use fake egg decorations and mini chickens or bunnies, most available from a craft store. If you use the chocolate eggs, make sure you buy double the amount as we guarantee it will be bare by Easter Sunday.
3. Hard boiled painted & dyed eggs
Decorating, dyeing and painting eggs is a fantastic traditional Easter custom practiced through-out the world. It's a fun family activity that allows everyone to commemorate spring, show their creativity, and discuss the origins of why we celebrate Easter.
4. Easter Baking
We will have you hopping mad for Easter baking with two eggcelent new kits now available.
Mini chocolate hot cross bun kit
Nothings says spring quite like the smell and taste of a hot cross bun... this kit allows you to create your own mini ones and even come with the scrummy addition of chocolate chips!
Easter Egg bake and hunt Kit
Children will be eggstatic to receive their very own Easter egg biscuit baking kit along with a create your own egg hunt craft activity.
4. Easter Egg Hunt Piñata
Why not make your own Giant Easter Egg Hunt Piñata filled to the brim with yummy choc eggs. The instructions to make your own Piñata can be found here. Just use tin foil wrapped eggs instead of sweets to fill your Piñata.